Sneaky Six #21: Cryptic master produces content on Twitch

Photo by Radek Jedynak on Unsplash

OK, time to buy Sneaky Six a shot! I’m about 140+ clues into this experiment, and whether you’ve been solving from the beginning (or just started recently), I’m very curious as to whether the surfaces are getting any better, or if the puzzles are feeling easier or harder. I personally feel much more confident in these surfaces, and I’m even downright proud of some of these new-to-me indicators and definitions; I also have a much firmer sense of what usages I’d actually bother to fight to keep when a tester doesn’t quite love it. At any rate, I continue to find writing cryptic clues fun—I only wish that I had more time to work on some of these other projects and opportunities that have come my way recently. (The kids are still too young for me to put them to work in the cryptic mines.) What more can an increasingly less novitiate setter ask for? Check .puz and online versions out on Crosshare or download the PDF below!

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