Sneaky Six #11: Secretary on vacation gets nearly naked, drunk, and dirty

Photo by Martin Arusalu on Unsplash

As a kid, I was always a big reader (and dabbler in writing)—I loved the way that you could take a familiar idea and render it anew with different language or, vice versa, take something wholly unique and yet make it utterly relatable. I think that’s why I’ve been so attracted to cryptic crosswords, which give you twice as many opportunities as a standard crossword to take something that perhaps many people have clued before and yet still find in it an entirely different way. Even when the essential grammar of the parse is similar to what others have done, the specific words you choose, the indicators, the definitions—all of these can still yield a drastically different clue. Every constructor, then, finds their own way in, bringing boundary-pushing devices from their own expertise, and growing the field with each new entry. Again, I think that’s pretty cool, and I hope that at least some of these clues are doing something you like, ideally something you haven’t seen before.

This week I want to give a big thanks to skaldskaparmal, who has tested most (if not all) of these Sneaky Six puzzles and has provided feedback that has encouraged me to think deeper, push harder, and be more confident about my intent. I also appreciate the critical eyes of StJtB, who helped to confirm where some revisions or tricksier choices were working.

Puzzle can be found on Crosshare in browser or as .puz, and downloadable below as a PDF.