Sneaky Six #14: Album cover has left original soundtrack incomplete

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

Came close to not finishing this puzzle in timeā€”it’s been a hectic week. That said, I find that when you’re stuck on one thing, it is helpful to come back to another, and sure enough, returning to this grid with fresh eyes helped to lock everything down by my (self-imposed) weekly deadline. That advice goes for solving puzzles as well: regardless of the size of the grid, don’t feel as if you have to finish everything in one big gulp. Take your time, let your subconscious process things, and you may find yourself enjoying the whole process a lot more.

Anyway, the puzzle’s up on Crosshare (where you can also download a .puz) and there’s a PDF below; not sure what else there is to say in this space!